Belief Pillar: Humility In the journey towards building self-efficacy, one of the key pillars that plays a crucial role is humility. Humility, often perceived as a sign of weakness by some, is actually a strength that can greatly enhance one’s self-belief and confidence. In this article, we will delve into why humility is important […]
Vision is the ability to imagine how a country, society, industry, etc. could develop in the future and to plan in a suitable way. (Cambridge dictionary of American English) Beyond a dream, vision, is a detailed picture of that desired situation to which we are truly committed. A dream without a vision will always remain […]
Dream: a cherished ambition or ideal A dream is a fantastic, vivid, wild, vizualization of a situation we want. We use dreams as motivation to move towards our goals. Our dreams give us a reason to commit, take risks and sacrifices. they give us a reason to believe. Dreams and Belief: An Intrinsic Connection Dreams […]
Belief is “Yes I Can” Our students learn to tell themselves the affirmation “Yes I can” and they learn to develop a growth mindset when things are difficult. The first pillar of our life skill belief is trust. Trusting in oneself is a fundamental cornerstone of building self-efficacy. When you have confidence in […]
In the journey of personal development and success, possessing self efficacy is paramount. Believing in oneself can be the driving force behind achieving one’s goals and overcoming challenges. Self efficacy is the belief in one’s capacity to execute specific tasks or reach particular goals successfully. It’s about having the confidence in your ability to accomplish […]
Martial Arts for Building Confidence Martial arts have long been recognized not only as a form of physical exercise but also as a powerful tool for building confidence. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, martial arts can help instill a sense of self-assurance and empowerment. In this article, we will explore how […]