Martial Arts Is for Girls Too In the world of martial arts, there is a common misconception that it is a sport dominated by men. However, the truth is that martial arts is for girls too! Engaging in martial arts can be incredibly beneficial for young girls, as it not only helps them build physical […]
COMMUNICATION: GETTING AND GIVING THE MESSAGE Colleges and universities offer degrees in communications. Major businesses and corporations devote entire departments and staff to managing their message and getting it out to the public. It is a complex and vital life skill but what makes communication so important? As defined by the Cambridge Dictionary of American […]
As a martial artist, courtesy and respect should be second nature. “Yes, ma’am” and “No, sir” roll off the tongue without hesitation, and you don’t think twice about holding the door for an elder. But what happens when you step off the mat and pick up your smartphone or sit in front of your laptop […]
Getting and Giving the Message Communication. Colleges and universities offer degrees in communications. Major businesses and corporations devote entire departments and staff to managing their message and getting it out to the public. It is a complex and vital life skill but what makes communication so important? As defined by the Cambridge Dictionary of American […]
Mastering The Life Skill That Gives Us Confidence Most people begin to believe in something at a very young age, whether it’s a superhero or the monster in the closet. But as we get older our belief system matures and grows stronger, and we begin to use belief not just as a basis of proof something […]