Martial Arts Is for Girls Too In the world of martial arts, there is a common misconception that it is a sport dominated by men. However, the truth is that martial arts is for girls too! Engaging in martial arts can be incredibly beneficial for young girls, as it not only helps them build physical […]
Martial arts is not just a physical activity; it is a holistic practice that can benefit individuals in various ways, especially neurodivergent people. Neurodivergent individuals, including those with conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and anxiety disorders, can find a sense of belonging and empowerment through martial arts. This sport offers a safe and supportive […]
In life, we often come across situations that require us to dig deep within ourselves and find the courage to keep moving forward. The belief pillar of courage teaches us to stay afraid but do it anyway, to face our fears head-on and push past the boundaries of our comfort zones. Embracing Fear Courage […]
DYNAMITE DISCIPLINE | LIFE SKILL THAT IS AN ESSENTIAL BUILDING BLOCK TO SUCCESS Some days, it’s tough to get out of bed. Some days it’s tough to focus on school, training, progress on that homework project or on completing chores at home. That’s when discipline comes in. Discipline is one of the life skills we […]
DYNAMITE DISCIPLINE | LIFE SKILL THAT IS AN ESSENTIAL BUILDING BLOCK TO SUCCESS Some days, it’s tough to get out of bed. Some days it’s tough to focus on school, training, progress on that homework project or on completing chores at home. That’s when discipline comes in. Discipline is one of the life skills we […]